1、扫描的码是一维条形码还是二维码?长和宽各是多少毫米?码里面有多少个字符?1-D Code or 2-D Code? Dimension of the barcode? How many characters in one barcode?
2、扫描的码是印刷、打印在纸上?还是雕刻、喷码、打孔在金属等其他物体上?Is the barcode printed on paper? Or carved/sprayed/drilled on metal or other materials?
3、扫描的时候是静态扫描还是动态扫描?如果是动态扫描,运动的速度多少米每分钟?During scanning, is the object stationary or moving? If the object is moving, how fast?
4、扫描的距离(扫描器安装在码上面的高度)有无要求?如果有要求,距离是在什么范围内?Any requirements on scanning distance/height?
5、扫描的物体的高度是否一致(码所在平面的高度是否有变化)?如果不一致,落差最大是多少毫米?Are all the objects at the same height? If not, what would be the biggest height difference?
6、扫描的物体在扫码器下方的位置是否会有变化?如果有变化,扫码器视野需要覆盖的最大区域(码可能出现的区域的最大值)长和宽各是多少毫米?How big area should the barcode reader cover?
7、扫码器通信接口(232、485、USB、TCP/IP)?扫码器连接的上位机(电脑PC、工控机、PLC、单片机主板、嵌入式控制器等)?Is the barcode using 232, 485, USB or TCP/IP? What is the barcode reader connected to? (PC, controller, PLC, MCU motherboard or embedded control unit?)
8、扫码之后是否需要根据扫描成功或者不成功输出信号(继电器信号、通信字符信号、电平信号等)控制其他设备动作(该设备的输入端需要接什么信号)?After scanning, does the barcode reader need to output any signal based on scanning is successful or not (relay signal, communication character signal or level signal) to control the operation of other units/modules/equipments?
9、扫码器应用场合(物流分拣、工厂流水线、机械加工、服装纺织、食品加工、化工原料、印刷印染、家具木器 、卫浴陶瓷、制笔、电子电器、冶炼等等)?What’s the application of this barcode reader?
10、期望预算?Expected budget?
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